What is your default busting quest?

Thirty some odd days ago the talk was goals and resolutions and changes and fresh starts.  And now,  most people are into the mode of taking about weather, how many in their house got the flu, how they hate their jobs or the people there, setting their dreams to the side and assuming that they will 'get to' their goals later, or not.  "I have the rest of the year to do something different".  Ya ok.  That's what you thought last year, or 5 years ago and what you thought even a month ago, that got you semi-excited to THINK about doing life differently.

The thing is, this is what we mean when we talk about living by DEFAULT.  Yes, we are goal oriented creatures; purposeful and striving. But we are also pre-programmed, and our patterns of behaviour, while intended to simplify our experience of life, are the same things that derail us from our ideas and dreams.

If you assume that it is 'easier' for some than others to get out of bed and make things happen then likely there are a slew of other excuses you default to throughout your day.  Every single one of us must be in continuous motion to stay out of the derailing defaults.  Most of us have to consciously CHOOSE to make a better choice.  Most of us get butterflies when we think about doing something we aren't familiar with or that hasn't worked out before. Either that or we make excuses or justifications about why doing nothing or sticking with what we 'think' will work is easier.

But if we keep doing what we have always done, if we slide into the default yet again, the result will not be anything close to what you really want.

So get this silly one.  For me, every time I pick up the phone I have to mentally prep.  Its often a two-three ring prep time.  Now I'm not talking about making difficult phone calls where I give someone bad news or something. (Though that might be where my aversion came from - working in crew scheduling for an airline is a pretty thankless job.  Crews hate GETTING those phone calls at 3am as much as I hated making them all those years ago)

I have to CHOOSE to answer the phone or dial a number to even have a chat with a friend or talk to my husband.  My client coaching sessions are scheduled because I have my own prep work to do to ensure that my full attention can be given to the session. Or let me tell you about ordering flipping take-out.  I don't do it.  Sure I'd like pad thai on occasion - but I don't like to make the call to get that happening.  It has nothing to do with what kind of call I am making, I happen to have a default program that could frankly be the end of my business IF I LET MY DEFAULT PROGRAM RUN ME.  I can do without pad thai.  But I am the CEO of a multinational business that grows with communication and education.  Much of that is through the phone.  I can either DEFAULT or BUST IT.Sure it is easier to stay in bed where your feet are warm and your pillow is soft rather than get up and create a task list or exercise.  DEFAULT or BUST IT?  What will give me the result I desire?

Sure someone else might have more background knowledge for the markets I intend to build.  I could assume someone else will get their instead of me OR I can be resourceful and find the people who have the skills I don't and create a movement that inspires. DEFAULT or BUST IT?

Sure I can admire another person's initiative and enthusiasm and persistence but assume I could never do what they do.  DEFAULT or BUST IT?

So now, with 1/12 of potentially the BEST year of your life already gone, will you DEFAULT or BUST IT to live the rest out by design?

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