What you DON'T know about what I shared...

When I look at the people who have joined my team in the last year and a half, many of them are unaware of one crucial point.  They are holding half of a winning million dollar ticket in their hands.  Some of them might not have realized that it was included in that box UPS delivered to them, and others have it pinned to their fridge.  Others still tossed it to the side and grabbed a shiny scratch ticket someone else waved in their face.  But guess what - the half of that winning ticket is still here - with names printed on it.

Think about it this way. (I must thank Wendy Cowles for the analogy)  Imagine you and I were chatting and I shared with you the winning lottery ticket I had in my hand.  I ripped it in half, wrote your name on it, and gave one piece to you.  The other piece was lost somewhere in the desert.  Not gone, just missing.  If you knew that finding that other half would mean the prize was yours, you would search for it wouldn't you.  If there was a guaranteed win as a result of finding the missing piece, it is easy to see how that could become your priority.

It is not an impossible task.  Not at all.

In fact, here is a tip.  The more people you get to help you look for it, the better your chances are of finding it.  And because you get others looking too, that winning lottery ticket actually explodes in value exponentially.  A million dollar plus prize is available to each person that chooses to go after it.  There is no time limit either.  Some have found theirs very quickly  and others took a little more time.  That is not the important factor - because as long as they kept looking and asking others to help, they found it.

Another great thing?  Not every ticket has been handed out.  In fact, the person who is going to win the largest sum of all hasn't even asked for their half of the ticket yet.  Or they haven't been asked if they want one.  They don't even know that the opportunity exists.  Can you believe it?

My team is making tracks.  If you want to dust off the ticket I gave you already - don't wait.  A few others waited, and they are watching the rest of us surge forward.  You can always catch up, but it's a lot more fun to do it together!

And if you HAVEN'T received one of those UPS boxes that I spoke about earlier, GET IN TOUCH WITH ME because I am not in the habit of chasing people down.   Yes, I love what I do, yes I am happy to give you information and YES, I SEE YOUR TALENTS and ABILITIES to do this, often before you do.   I will give you a map, I will tell you some shortcuts and I will connect you to others who have done it before you.  I will never work harder than you on YOUR GOALS, in your OWN journey.  But I'll match your energy and help you with the tools, and when you need help you'll get it by asking for it.  And boy oh boy will we have fun in the process!

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