Weighty Issues

So let's face it. You have heard it as often as I have "weight loss is about eating less and moving more".

'They' say it is that simple. Yet here you are, fatter than you want to be and feeling like you have 'tried everything'. I know, because in my 20's and early 30's I too was buying into the unconscious plight of Yo-Yoing. Even though I could manage to feel pretty good about myself in general, there was an underlying pit of doubt about whether or not I was really at my best weight, whether I would feel better if I DID manage to slim down and was it actually possible that I could wear clothes whose sole purpose was not to hide the 'trouble spots'.

Before I began coaching others and living out my purpose to help people discover better life options for themselves, I walked the talk and delved right into my own 'work' and self discovery. What I learned about myself in the general contexts of motivation and emotional eating and sabotage has revealed an incredible realm of personal power and healthy decision making that I never knew I had in me.

It's crazy to actually think about what we are putting our bodies (or in some cases what we are forcing OUT of our bodies). We lose sight of our own magnificence and often treat ourselves worse than anyone else around by eating things that are lacking in nutrition but are FULL of harmful ingredients.

We put things into our body that serve no useful purpose other than to 'try' and fill a misguided or misinterpreted emotional signal-be it boredom, sadness, frustration, guilt and all the rest.

I must admit - I have not always the smartest choices when it came to 'trying' to change my eating and yes, I did go through some of the fad type diets and plans out there as well, that included nothing more than lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne powder. Now when it comes to my eating, I have realistic choices that I WANT to make, instead of shoveling the last of the ice cream in or telling myself that it is a waste to just throw out the chips that I bought in an old moment of weakness or reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day and I can get a fresh start then.

I still incorporate cleansing, but from a nutritional cleansing perspective that actually supports my organs and digestive tract. I eat more vegetables and fruits than I ever used to, I am able to feel balanced and I don't have those cravings. And I am living proof of how we can impact our health and our lives by learning about what gets in our way.

When I work with clients we discover what drives the emotional eating. What allows you to continue to make poor choices or fall off the wagon when you were so sure that this time it would be different. Our behaviours make sense to our sub-conscious.

The most challenging part of any system that addresses weight-related issues is that unless it also addresses the part of you that wants something you can't name-the heart of your heart, not the size of your thighs-it won't work.......Being thin does not address the emptiness that has no shape or weight or name. Even a wildly successful diet is a colossal failure because inside the new body is the same sinking heart. Geneen Roth, Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything

At some level, there is almost always a positive purpose to our own destruction. But together, we re-train these unconscious patterns of behaviour to automatically find ourselves making better choices.

Ones that support and strengthen our short and long term goals for our health and well being. And guess what... this does NOT mean that we will necessarily be digging up the past! Yes, breathe a sigh here. We do not have to talk about 'why' you think you do what you do. In fact, I don't have to know about all of your details that may be painful or better left in the past. I agree! We don't want to dredge up baggage! What we do is figure out how you will do things differently now, in ways that support how you want to feel, look and think about yourself. How you will address the emptiness, the security, the sinking heart that is uncovered.

I now put things in my body that help it function as it is meant to. I choose when I want to indulge in something that has more sugar or more fat than is recommended, and I can do it in a way that is balanced. The harmful automatic programs that used to play out in me do not rule my habits and I live and eat on purpose. And I will help you do the same. In person sessions and telephone coaching is something I do to facilitate this and I look forward to speaking with you soon!

You can do this, I KNOW you can.

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