Someone else will pick up the money on the table, guaranteed!

A few years ago, I was looking at developing my own product - be it an e-book, a downloadable seminar series or video productions of the workshops I teach.  Why?  Because in my coaching practice, I trade my time for dollars. Sound familiar?  I essentially get paid by the hour so I am capped by both the number of hours in a day, and the amount per hour I charge.  This does not bode well for time freedom or flexibility. Plus, it's pretty much the same premise as an employee, eh?!

But being self employed is a DREAM isn't it??
Well yes, absolutely - to a certain point.  As a self employed professional, I knew that if I wanted to take time off, not only was I going to lose out on the income when I was not working, but I would ALSO have the expense of paying for my holiday AND still covering the cost of my overhead whether I was there or not.  I knew that I wanted to create a residual income that would bring me out of essentially the same hamster wheel everyone else was on.  Really.  I knew from my mentors and other people in the coaching industry that this was they way to go if I ever wanted to create time freedom for myself and still have a growing income stream. Except creating my OWN product meant more time and work - and I didn't have a ton of it to begin with!

In one of my previous businesses, I had numerous other companies advertising my products for me - I would give them a percentage of the sales and I would have a broader market share because these companies were in markets that I was not.  We called that drop shipping.

Even in that business I would look for complimentary products that I could promote and support that would give me another income stream - but that wouldn't require us to carry more inventory or deal with the customer requirements ( like shipping or returns) directly.  This was our affiliate marketing.  For example, we added fresh flower delivery to compliment the gifts we were already producing, and we added promotional products for our corporate clients - but we never touched these products, they never came through our warehouse, as that would mean higher labour costs of course.

Virtually every business owner understands how valuable a complimentary or add on service generating passive income is.  Not only can that feature add a second (or third or fourth) income stream, but it is also an EXTREMELY important client generator for our primary business model.  Typically we market to a specific niche or segment.  You cannot be all things to all clients.  However, that complimentary product you are thinking of offering?  It markets to a whole other group of people, who may in fact be interested in what else you provide.  You might not win them over with one thing but the second attracts them in an instant.

So how might my program benefit you as an employee or a self employed business owner?
1.  Without health, we have, well, not a heck of a lot. Nor do your clients.  If health declines, so does their participation in business & economy - and client's priorities tend to change when they are preoccupied with their health challenges.

We also know that over 80% of physical results have to do with what you feed your body.  Dr. Jeff Lustig, a chiropractor, shared with me that 80-90% of patient complaints have a nutritional component to them.  You can model the solution personally by trialing this program and seeing how it can benefit you AND those you know.

2.  If you are in a health/personal well being related field such as :
~Personal & Athletic Training
~Nutritionist or Dietician
~Massage Therapist
~Occupational Therapist
~Dentist or Hygienist

A) You know first hand what I just mentioned about the impact of deteriorating health and well being.  The fact that you are already industry connected makes adding this program a 'no-brainer' for you,  just like my adding fresh flowers to personalized gifts was.
B) You are likely in the same position I was with caps on your income/time freedom/flexibility and you may at times question HOW you thought this would be the best choice for the rest of your life.  It is imperative to consider a residual income stream.  It IS the answer to the LIFESTYLE goals that are missing. And the fact that my program is a health and wellness program that addresses the nutritional needs (Remember, Dr Jeff said that is 80-90% of the problem) means that it is an obvious first choice for ANYONE in the health care field.

3.  Every person is looking for a better financial situation.  Relate to my scenario above at all?  No one would have guessed on the outside that I wanted an income opportunity.  Never pre-judge or make the decision for someone else.  If you can help even ONE person discover that they are not limited by their current finances or predicament, would that be a good thing?  Would your primary business benefit if your CLIENTS had greater resources of passive income?  You bet.

4.  Over 50% of the worlds population is under the age of 30.  They are savvy, time crunched people who like convenience, product groupings, package deals and they are becoming well aware that they are fully responsible for their well being.  Meet them where they are at and give them what they want with programs that fit every need.

5.  You don't have to quit what you love to pursue something that will set you free when you choose the right time.  This is a program that you will NEVER fail at as long as you don't quit.  Let me share something with you.  If you helped 1 person a week for 4 years, that would earn you a million dollars.  Would that be a useful thing?   Adding this income stream in the pockets of your life is absolutely possible.  It creates CHOICE.  It allows YOU to decide what you will make a priority each day.  And the creation and formulation has already been done.  The plan is in place, you just have to say yes and begin.

6.  This industry is team based.  You benefit as a result of COLLECTIVE effort and the time invested equation vs the desired results is fantastic.  The compensation plan of my program is the best in the industry for several reasons.  It's simplicity, it's upfront income, it's exponential capacity to name a few.  The residual and passive benefits are absolutely accessible to everyone.

99% of North Americans have poor nutrition and don't know it.  97% need to make more money.

In my coaching practice, it comes up time and time again that people have a core desire to HELP OTHERS.  This is one very simple way to make that possible and to have visible physical results very quickly.  It makes being a self employed business person a much more rewarding experience.  It makes choosing an early retirement date a realistic plan for employees, it provides hope for a better opportunity for those who don't have either of those, and it helps us all regain our health in the process.

Whether you decide this is for you or not, someone else KNOWS it is and will decide that this is the best thing they could every do for their business, their family and their dreams.  Grab what is on the table - it's all yours if you want it!


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