In a profession where thousands of companies come and go annually, there are multiple criteria a curious person can base a decision on when it comes to choosing a place to stay and call home in business.
Let's be honest - most people don't give it (choosing a business, opportunity, company etc.) much consideration because often they are initially intrigued by a friend who shares a personal result and they therefore 'get started' for personal reasons.

So that actually presents the first criteria worth considering when looking 'for something' - a visible, physical, emotional result or solution.  Many companies and professions can offer something that fits.  Very few fall into the category of Instant Gratification though...and in our society, this is a known driver.

Furtherore, even fewer can provide a lucrative income WHILE mastering the craft or learning/mastering the skills to take you to the next level.  If this criteria is met, consider this; can the company, (the corporate structure, the owners, their vision and their economic basis, the distribution process) sustainably meet the demands long term when it comes to imperitive R&D, supply & demand, global logistics and demographic shifts.  Can this visible, emotional, instantaneous solution actually evolve in a way that provides the market with a LIFETIME of solutions vs. a hyped pan flash. No easy task.

Is the compensation plan, i.e the method you will Earn while you Learn, generous both on the front end and the backend and can it easily be explained within the first quarter hour of someone who starts.  Does it produce revenue or simply income?  Does it pay all the way down, on all levels, with no splits or breaks, and can you in fact, leave it as a legacy into the distant future. 

Does the culture within the company embrace the concept of 'personal development with a paycheque' and can the newest of associates quickly and comfortably find their place in the growth model to best meet their individual needs.  Does the culture foster integrity and limitless possibility by example, extinguishing fear based negativity and limited thinking.

It really depends on what a professional is looking for and why.  If someone is interested in finding a company to stay with vs. yet another to jump to and from, I believe it requires education and purposeful research.  Ask the right questions and the correct path generally becomes obvious. Timing is everything!