Who's day is this?

Hit snooze 4 times, drag butt out of bed.
No breakfast because 'you can't eat that early'.
Stop at Tim's on your drive in and grab a large coffee, and oh throw in a sausage & egg biscuit breakfast sandwich because now you ARE hungry.
Mid-morning grab a second or third coffee. 
Hit the Wendy's drive thru on lunch break and scarf back a combo because it's a better deal than just buying the burger.
Accept the offered doughnuts and cookies that come out in the afternoon.
Why not have some of those holiday goodies too, it's getting close to Christmas - you only see these things once a year (every year btw)!
More coffee to wash that down.
Throw in a frozen pizza when you get home because there isn't time for anything else before practice/lessons/that late appointment. 
Later, grab another piece of cold pizza - cold is best. And a handful of halloween treats that really should get eaten up.
Now you need a beer or wine to wind down. 
Roll into bed and promise yourself that you will get up early to work out.
Day in Day out. 
And you know you need to do something. 
But it's really hard.  And you don't want to 'diet' because every time you have 'tried' that it didn't work. 
Or you managed to lose some but you put it all back on again.
And you are getting o l d e r  every second of ever minute, and that seems to make it h a r d e r.
But guess what.  You are right.  I won't sugar coat it.
You can't even run away from your troubles because you can't RUN.
You are not as healthy as you could be - in fact you are pretty far gone as some of my clients say.
And that is a scary place to be.  Because it's overwhelming to think about where to start so that you can actually get a result that will last.
A result that might motivate you to KEEP GOING this time.

Yes, you have to make LIFESTYLE changes.   But even that seems scary - too different than what you are comfortable with right now.  So we talk about the next 90 days.  Or the next 30 days.  As a way of breaking down goals into manageable things.  But lifestyle doesn't end in 30 days, nor will it end in 90.
So instead, let's talk about the next two days.
That's all the prep time it will take before I help you take the second step. 
What's that? You missed the first step?  It was when you called me to start my program.
Because it doesn't even need to be a big first step.  But you DO need to take it.  Otherwise you will keep sliding down that slippery slope you call your life and it is sure to end up just how you don't want it to.
So in two days you will have what you need to make the SECOND step that will change your life.
You are already further ahead than you were just a minute ago.
Are you still with me?
Because here is where things get really exciting.  You will see a difference, you will feel a difference 4 days from that second step.
That is less than a week from this moment.
Your sleep will improve.  Your skin will improve. Your energy will begin to shift.

You need this. Your body needs it so much that it doesn't know how else to tell you.  You misread the cravings.  You stuff it full of chemicals and preservatives.  You make it so sedentary that your body thinks you want to just give up.
Do you want to give up?
Are you sure?
Or do you want to have guaranteed results that improve your health from the moment you begin.
It won't be overnight. You've done a lot of damage. And that's ok - your body will forgive you.  If you actually take steps to prove to it that you want something better. Rather than just thinking about it. And doing nothing. Again.  Not this time.

Yes this time it's different.  It is different because you sense it.  You know what I am saying has a grain of truth and you know that I want the best for you because it is what we all deserve. And you deserve the best life possible. And your body deserves to be treated like the one of a kind bodies it is by you, the owner, caretaker and guardian.
So make the choice that is yours to make and take that teensy first step that is guaranteed to change your life when you begin to walk in the direction it takes you. You are worth it.  The crappy food is not.